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Centeno Prof. Services, inc.
My personal experience comes from having litigated over 20 years, in pro per (representing myself) in various courts in California and for having litigated in England a Hague Convention appeal in which I won, increasing my respect for the law in our lives. I have; an ABA-approved Paralegal Certificate, A BA degree in Philosophy and Political Science from LMU in Los Angeles. I am pursuing the study of law in Mexico and the USA as well as a Masters in Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University.
I was born in Tecoman, Colima, Mexico, In 1977, as an F-1 student, I arrived in Los Angeles, CA to study English as a Second Language, In 1978 I graduated from High School in Los Angeles, California, In 1984 I received an AA degree in Political Science from West Los Angeles College. In 1987 became a member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity at Loyola Marymount University. In 1988 I received a BA in Political Science from Loyola Marymount University. In 1988 I married in my native Tecoman, Colima, Mexico. In 1988, my son Alex was born. In 1990, my daughter, Linda was born. In 1993 I divorced. In 1998 I spent most of the year in Paris, Spain, and London. In 2000 I regained my Mexican Citizenship, enjoying now dual USA/Mexico citizenship. Currently, I seek inner-peace, personal equilibrium, contentment. meaningful life purpose, applying the wisdom from the past experiences towards enjoying the present, and looking forward to the future, M ay the force be with us all.
Currently I am pursuing enrollment into a Master Program in Philosophy and a Juris Doctor in law.. I believe in justice, the bill of rights, the pursuit of happiness, and the entrepreneurial spirit.